Visit to Florence, Italy - May 27-31, 2007

I was in Florence from May 27 until 31, 2007. Jimmy Narisma CSsR also visited Florence but stayed only for a few days. Here he poses in front of the statue of Nepture at the city hall of Florence.

Michaelangelo's world-famous statue of David stands at the city hall. However, this is a copy. The original is inside a museum and no one is allowed to take a photo inside the museum.

Another famous sculpture done by Giambologna from 1581 to 1583, titled - The Rape of the Sabine Women.

The facade of the Duomo of Florence, the Santa Maria del
Fiore, designed by Arnolfo di Cambio built from 1296. It is 107 meters long.

The bridge of Ponte Vecchio that traverses the Arno River that flows through the center of Florence. Attach to this bridge on both sides are stores that sell jewelry from the cheap junk ones to diamonds. It was built in 1345.

plaza are all sorts of sculptures and the merry-go-round for kids.
Jimmy and I shared dinner with Ruby Soyosa who works with the PNB branch in Florence. He used to be a seminarian of SACFH.

On May 29, Jimmy and I took a one-day trip to Pisa to view the leaning tower.

Jimmy and I shared dinner with Ruby Soyosa who works with the PNB branch in Florence. He used to be a seminarian of SACFH.

On May 29, Jimmy and I took a one-day trip to Pisa to view the leaning tower.

Dear Brother,
We received at the occasion of the birth of our granddoughter Norma a poem of you: a child, translated in dutch. Because I was doubting about the translation I sought information via google about the poem and you. And indeed there was an error in the translation: cycles was translated into compromises. But now I'm asking if cycles is a good translation of the philipinian language. And if so, why wrote you about challenges in life's cycles?
I'm graceful to have received your poem and to have some information about your life, committment and your way,politically, spiritualy and in arts. I hope i can get some reaction of you
bro Kharl, ur pix wer great! hw i wish i could visit those places..salamat hah sa imo data nga gi 4ward...gdlck sa mission...GOD BLZ
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