Visit to Thailand, July 1-15, 2007
The afternoon of the day I arrived in Thailand, Fr. Joe and I took the flight to Ubon Thani in the northeast. There, Fr. Cook (0ne of the Thai alumni of the St. Alphonsus Theologate in Davao) took charge of my visit in the Nong Khai area where I spent four days.
First visit that Cook arranged was to Salakeaw-koo, a Hindu-Buddhist temple just outside Nong Khai.
Salakeaw-koo has become a tourist spot in this part of Thailand because of the interesting cement-stone sculptures depicting the various Hindu gods and goddesses sculpted only in the last few decades since a "Hindu monk" from Burma arrived in this place. The complex of temples and statues is quite controversial owing to some questions raised by the local police (which have been resolved lately). It is not a typical "monastery" as there are no monks who reside in this place. But the "relics" of the founder can be viewed in the main "temple". Picture below: Cook and I in front of the monastery complex.
Before leaving the temple, we were asked to hit the gong as a sign of a good visit to the temple and our departure.
Above is the parish church
of the CSsRs in Nong Khai.
The tall building is the former Novitiate in Nong Khai, which is now the site of the Postulancy program since the Thai novices go to Lipa for the joint novitiate. The shorter building, also with the blue roof is part of the convent.
One of the shrines of the Buddhist temple which is located across the Redemptorist compound in Nong Khai. Below are photos of the temple and the arch also in this compound. There are monks stationed in this complex.
1. The photos showing wood carvings are those in the Museum of Ngarn Anurak Pueh Muan Chon.
2. The photos showing kids operating a mill, a dormitory school and planting rice were in the village of Patung in the district of Amphoe, Province of Mae Jaem, 3 hours away from Chang Mai. This is the area served by Fr. Simon Tiwa along with some Brothers, sisters and Lay cooperators. The team covers a few schools in the surrounding villages.
3. Next set of photos are those in Bangkok. With Wiboom, I visited the Redeemer Church in Bangkok and the Mercy Centre for oprhans and those with HIV-AIDs, a center founded by Fr. Joe Maier CSsR.